How to find us

Farmotel Stefania is in the middle of the village
Farmotel Stefania is in the middle of the village

Take the M6 highway and exit at “Tengelic”.  Then take the road to Tengelic town, travel another 15-20 minutes through old picturesque villages till Szakadat. We are in the middle of the village.

Our address is:
Fo utca 15
Tolna region
7071 Hungary


Distances from “Farmotel Stefania”:

Sio river 7 minutes drive
Balaton Lake 50 minutes drive
Pecs 50 minutes drive
Budapest 90 minutes drive
Nearest airport in Pecs and Budapest
Nearest railway station 15 minutes drive
Bus stop 2 minutes walking distance
ATM machine, bank, post office, school, coffee shops, hairdresser, pub, shops:  4 minutes drive (in Gyonk)
Local pub and grocery shop in the village

Farmotel Stefania is between Balaton lake and the Danube river, on the way to Slovenian and Croatian Adriatic sea coast